The Internet Blog of Monarchia Catholica was founded in August 2009. Our goal is to spread among the believers and people of good will Catholic principles and teaching, which the Holy Catholic Church Faithful to the voice of Her Divine Founder Jesus Christ always taught and preached around the whole world:
"Euntes ergo docete omnes gentes, baptizantes eos in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti" (Mt. 28, 19)
"Going therefore, teach ye all nations: baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost."
One of the reasons why we founded this Internet blog was the effort to point out certain dogmatic deviations of the recent post-conciliar hierarchy. Our main purpose is to emphasise Catholic principles and with love welcome those, who are lost in the darkness of the errors and shadows of eternal punishment.
With tension the Faithful of the whole world watched the II Vatican Council and hoped that it would pronounce on the burning problems of the modern world established after the WWII. It was expected that it would condemn communism, national socialism and heresies of the modern world, modern philosophy and trends, which had already been taking shape inside the Catholic Church since the 20's and 30's, especially the errors of the liturgical, ecumenical and biblical movement. People were expecting the condemnation of so-called New Theology, which was filled with non-Catholic principles and consequently clearly followed Modernism which the Church had already condemned. But those hopes were not fulfilled. Some Council Fathers began against the will of their Divine Founder and against the Tradition of the Church to co-operate with the errors of the world and to accommodate the Church to those errors. (Collaboration with the world communism in so called Ostpolitik, perceiving of religious freedom in the liberal way and relativisation of some dogmatic statements.) Those efforts had been condemned many times during the pontificate of Blessed Pius IX, Leo XIII and Saint Pius X. If we, as the Popes before the Council, condemn Modernism and its idea of the reform of the Church, we condemn the neo-Modernism of New Theology and with it the ambiguity of the of pastoral Council documents proposed by the representatives of the progressive and liberal wing with the support of John XXIII, we condemn the liturgical revolution, the modern conception of the position of the Church in it, we condemn the ecumenical movement and the errors of recent post-conciliar theology, then we cannot follow and be obedient to the modern hierarchy, which has thrown our Holy Mother Church to the worst destruction with the aid of the Council and the post-conciliar Popes John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II.
Non posumus
We cannot follow the way leading us away from the Catholic Faith; the Tradition, which was defended heroically by the Popes and the Councils. We cannot even follow the hierarchy in the moral deviations, which only strengthen the departure from the Catholic Doctrine. Nevertheless, we recognise all the post-conciliar Popes as duly elected Heads of the Catholic Church and so we disassociate from the sedesvacantist and other extreme groups. We are obliged to obey the Pope and to pay him respect. But where he becomes a threat with his syncretistic and ecumenical opinions to the Catholic Doctrine and is in contradiction with the Catholic Tradition, there we refuse our obedience to him. We also recognise that the II Vatican Council was duly summoned and closed Council, which took course under legitimate chairmanship of the Popes John XXIII and Paul VI. However, we refuse obedience to the ambiguous non-dogmatic teaching of the Council and in consensus with the apostolic Faith we accept only the statements, which are in themselves infallible decisions of the Popes and the Councils in the past. We understand the Council as non-obligatory preaching to the world, which none of the Catholic Faithful is obliged to accept (and that especially in the issues, which distort or threaten Catholic principles).
As we in correspondence with the Catholic Doctrine understand the Catholic Church as the only True, Holy, Apostolic perfect society (see Leo XIII encyclical Satis cognitum) which is God intended institution in the Mystical Body of Christ, so we cannot agree with the post-conciliar ecclesiology as understood in Lumen Gentium and the consequences which can be seen in the liturgy, in the understanding of dogma, morals and discipline. There is no salvation outside the Church and therefore we accept unity among Christian denominations as it is given forward in the encyclical of Pius XI "Mortalium Animos", the unity is possible only when all the misled and lost of all kinds come back to the Catholic Church whose invisible Head is Jesus Christ and the visible rock of unity Peter's infallible seat (compare Leo XIII, Encyclical Praeclara Gratulationis).
"We hold fast, with all our heart and with all our soul, to Catholic Rome, Guardian of the Catholic Faith and of the traditions necessary to preserve this Faith, to Eternal Rome, Mistress of wisdom and truth. We refuse, on the other hand, and have always refused to follow the Rome of neo-Modernist and neo-Protestant tendencies which were clearly evident in the Second Vatican Council and, after the Council, in all the reforms which issued from it. All these reforms, indeed, have contributed and are still contributing to the destruction of the Church, to the ruin of the priesthood, to the abolition of the Sacrifice of the Mass and of the sacraments, to the disappearance of religious life, to a naturalist and Teilhardian teaching in universities, seminaries and catechectics; a teaching derived from Liberalism and Protestantism, many times condemned by the solemn Magisterium of the Church. No authority, not even the highest in the hierarchy, can force us to abandon or diminish our Catholic Faith, so clearly expressed and professed by the Church's Magisterium for nineteen centuries. "But though we," says St. Paul, "or an angel from heaven preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema" (Gal. 1:8). Is it not this that the Holy Father is repeating to us today? And if we can discern a certain contradiction in his words and deeds, as well as in those of the dicasteries, well we choose what was always taught and we turn a deaf ear to the novelties destroying the Church. It is impossible to modify profoundly the lex orandi without modifying the lex credendi. To the Novus Ordo Missae correspond a new catechism, a new priesthood, new seminaries, a charismatic Pentecostal Church - all things opposed to orthodoxy and the perennial teaching of the Church. This Reformation, born of Liberalism and Modernism, is poisoned through and through; it derives from heresy and ends in heresy, even if all its acts are not formally heretical. It is therefore impossible for any conscientious and Faithful Catholic to espouse this Reformation or to submit to it in any way whatsoever.
The only attitude of Faithfulness to the Church and Catholic Doctrine, in view of our salvation, is a categorical refusal to accept this Reformation. That is why, without any spirit of rebellion, bitterness or resentment, we pursue our work of forming priests, with the timeless Magisterium as our guide. We are persuaded that we can render no greater service to the Holy Catholic Church, to the Sovereign Pontiff and to posterity. That is why we hold fast to all that has been believed and practiced in the Faith, morals, liturgy, teaching of the catechism, formation of the priest and institution of the Church, by the Church of all time; to all these things as codified in those books which saw day before the Modernist influence of the Council. This we shall do until such time that the true light of Tradition dissipates the darkness obscuring the sky of Eternal Rome. By doing this, with the grace of God and the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and that of St. Joseph and St. Pius X, we are assured of remaining Faithful to the Roman Catholic Church and to all the successors of Peter, and of being the Faithful dispensers of the mysteries of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Ghost. Amen." (The Declaration of Archbishop Lefebvre November 21, 1974).
We, therefore, pray for our Pope Benedict XVI. and his future successor to eventually through the power of the Holy Ghost, to stop the destruction of the visible Church. We also pray for the modernistic clergy to refuse the heresies many times condemned by the Church and to return to the Faithfulness to the Catholic Tradition as to the infallible pillar of the Divine Revelation. At the same time we ask the recent Pope Benedict XVI. using the power received from Jesus Christ to end the Church crisis and to condemn the ambiguity of the Council, the post-conciliar doctrinal chaos and to return unity to the Church, the true Roman liturgy, and to disavow all the cruel reforms which have undermined the sacred places of the Holy Church.
Final message and declaration
Monarchia Catholica - The Internet blog of the Catholic Tradition and Austrian Monarchism - is not directly connected with any religious movement; it is not connected with any political subject of right or left orientation in the Czech Republic or abroad. The Blog is just an independent and private manifestation of Catholic Faithlful who in conformity with the right of freedom of speech comment on religious or other questions, which are connected with the social teaching of the Catholic Church. The Blog does not agree with or refuses communism, socialism, national socialism, racism, freemasonry, political and religious liberalism, modernism, moral anarchy and all the other pseudo-religious sects, which have in ceremonial way been condemned by the Catholic Church. The Blog is not responsible for the contents of its partners' pages or those who send their articles to the Monarchia Catholica!
Let us with the Love of Christ go to all who are lost in the lies of Modernism so that one day we shall all sing Glory to God in the Highest together with Our Blessed Mother and shall not belong to those unFaithful on the left.
Lord, our Creator and Saviour, give us strength in this fight! AMEN.
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